Blog > Our Statistics for 2021

Our Statistics for 2021

Again this year we deliver you the numbers according to our terms of service, that states there’s basically no way for anyone to get any access to your data without us letting the world know that it happened.

We have again counted the interactions and here is our statistics for 2021.

NOTE: Also this year there will be a lot of copy/paste, but the numbers are of course corrected to match the real world.

Administrative Requests: 7

This type of request would ask for “who owns this email address?” and “what information do you have about them?”. This is the information you fill out in the registration form and/or dashboard. It is also the information we use when you state you have lost your 2nd authentication factor device (albeit we have tips to prevent that). We tend to desire a phone number to be included so that we can resolve the issue quickly.

Anyway, it’s that type of data about your account.

In 2021, we have received 7 such requests of which we rejected 2.

Retroactive Metadata Requests: 0

This type of request asks for the metadata for an account, meaning the source IP addresses that may have been used, the senders to and recipients from the account, and such “metadata” — but not the content.

We have received zero such requests in 2021.

All Data Requests: 0

With this type of request the judiciary commands us to surrender all data we possibly have on a named account, alongside a clear articulation of the case details and charges against the subject. In other words, it is all metadata and all contents. This type of request is often preceded with a more informal request to put a “legal hold” on the account, such that no data is lost while the process of paperwork and adjudication is completed.

We have received zero such request in 2021.

Live Interception Requests: 0

This type of request is the digital equivalent of a “wire tap”. Obviously, the metadata is available, but this case is special because it includes content. Not only does it do that, but it also includes near real-time monitoring of what’s going on with the account. As such, it is one of the most intrusive requests.

Again, 2021 has yielded zero such requests to us.


The world is a dangerous place if you are an information byte on a harddisk. We do what we can to protect the bytes that you have left in our care, and we appreciate your confidence in us doing so. Although we are already a few days into February, we wish you a safe and private 2022.