Blog > Announcing Service Window Friday 23rd of June: The everlasting race to get rid of old infrastructure..

Announcing Service Window Friday 23rd of June: The everlasting race to get rid of old infrastructure..

The Kolab Now Staff is going to update parts of the platform to get rid of even more old infrastructure, and to ensure the best possible solution for users. Therefore we declare a service window on:

Friday 2023-06-23 at 08:00 UTC until 13:00 UTC.

During the service window users will find the service unavailable in short periods, but we will work to keep the disruptions to a minimum. We don’t expect other irregularities during the service window.

Before, during and after the service window, users can follow the progress at: Kolab Ops Twitter account.

Should you have any issues in this or any other context, before or after the service window, then please contact Kolab Now Support.


2023-06-23 @ 07:00 UTC Update: The service window has been postponed until next week. See the following post.