Blog > Announcing Service Window on Wednesday 4th of October 2023: Larry skin & Spellcheck

Announcing Service Window on Wednesday 4th of October 2023: Larry skin & Spellcheck

The Kolab Now Staff is going to deploy the “old” larry skin and enable the English spellcheck option (again). Therefore we declare a service window on:

Wednesday 2023-10-04 at 07:00 UTC until 08:00 UTC.

Some Kolab Now users explicitly requested to be able to work with the Larry skin again as they are used to it since many years – so here we go! Also the English spellcheck option is important for many users and it is all ready in 2 small packages to be deployed.

During the service window users might experience at most some tiny interruptions.

Before, during and after the service window, users can follow the progress in the Kolab Now blog.

Should you have any issues in this or any other context, before or after the service window, then please contact Kolab Now Support.


2023-10-04 @ 07:03 UTC Update: Work is in progress. As described in the original message, users may get kicked off for a short time or see short lacks in the service. But no major downtime is expected.

2023-10-04 @ 07:55 UTC Update: Work is done. The updates were successful. The service window has ended. Users can now make use of the legacy Larry skin, and also Spell check is available.

We thank you for your patience.