Service Window: Change to DKIM-Signatures – domain alignment
On December 20’th 2024 we announced a change to the DKIM configuration on Kolab Now. The announcement described actions needed for users with private domains. We recommended that group managers (the owners of private domains) set the following CNAMEs (both of them) in the DNS of their private domain:
dkim1._domainkey CNAME
dkim2._domainkey CNAME
We also said in the announcement, that we would provide the actual update top the system in the end of January. Unfortunately the snow in the Swiss alps was so wonderful in the end of January, that our techies got a bit delayed.
However, it has now come so far that we announce a service window on:
Monday February 10’th, 2025 @ 08:00 UTC.
The Service window will last for an hour, within which users might see a small bump in the performance.
If you are the owner of a private domain and you have not yet added the CNAME records to your domaiin, then your outgoing emails might be refused by the recipient servers after the change.
We will keep you up to date with the progress of the work via updates to this post.
– 2025-02-10 @ 07:59 UTC: The service window is now open and the work is in progress. As written, you should not see any big impact.
– 2025-02-10 @ 08:45 UTC: The change has been implemented, and the service window is done. The new domain alignment is tested and seems to be working as expected. If you have any problems with your private domain, then please contact support.