Stay Safe at Home with Kolab Now

Posted on: March 16th, 2020 by

Authorities and experts alike tell us physically staying at home is the safest thing to do for you and yours, and everyone else. Our experts want you to enjoy the same safety on the web.

We have decided to spread the burden and not the virus, and do the right thing by not opportunistically profiting off of our collective misery. We now provide a 100% discount to all new signups for as long as we can manage, or for as long as the crisis continues, whichever comes first. When things cool down, we’ll remove the discount.

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Incident Report: Storage Failure

Posted on: January 29th, 2020 by

At 10:23 UTC this morning, Wednesday January 29th, our environment experienced a catastrophic storage failure. The time to resolution for this underlying problem was approximately 80 minutes, and full service was restored approximately 60 minutes thereafter — 12:48 UTC.

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Our Annual Certificate Refresh

Posted on: January 16th, 2020 by

Our annual certificate refresh is upon us.

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Our statistics for 2019

Posted on: January 3rd, 2020 by

Our terms of service state there’s basically no way for anyone to get any access to your data without us also being able to talk about the fact it happened, and further down nested in our legal framework outline do we have a list of 3 general types under which individual requests could be filed.

Like the last time we declared having made a full eclipse around the sun at an arbitrary date, here’s our statistics for 2019.

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Bitpay is being a Bitc^H

Posted on: December 17th, 2019 by

You may have noticed BitPay isn’t a payment option to our service any longer. If that’s what you wanted to be using, please read this article.

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Long Live the web page..

Posted on: December 5th, 2019 by

You may have seen that we had some issues with our website front page ‘’ this afternoon, and that it was on and off a few times.

Yes! We did some updates on the themes and color pallets. We had the new update up for a short while, but found out that our designer had ‘made a boo boo’. It took a little time to fix it and get the colors right, but everything is ok up and running again now.

During this update we did not touch the actual service ‘’ or anything even close to the data – only the front page ‘web blah’. If you were just reading your mail and going about using the service, then everything was just working as it should. Chances are, that you did not experience any issue at all.

If you were looking for anything on the front page at exactly that moment where we were moving things around, then we apologize for the inconvenience.


DISCLAIMER: No bits died or were hurt during this update.

Incident Report: Double trouble..

Posted on: October 28th, 2019 by

Late Sunday night at 21:31 CET we were alarmed by lost connections. Symptoms seemed to point to a networking issue in the datacenter. Our datacenter provider was alerted, we sent our own emergency team onsite to assist in resolving the issue, and to deal with any fallout.

A faulty firewall was recovered, and mail started flowing again at around 00:10. Our ops team is now investigating why the firewalls didn’t fail over as they are configured to do in such situation.

At about 04:15, long after the system had recovered from the firewall issue, one system started to throw disk errors, which was leading to some users not being able to access the data in their folders. As this was a separate issue, the symptoms were only discovered at around 06:45, as it was assumed to be recovery issues from the previous outage. As soon as the disk error issue was realized, it was fixed and recovered. Connection to data was available again for all users at 07:10.

Where as we are still investigating the root cause for both of these issues, we can state, that no data was at risk at any time during the events.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Mobile friendly webmail is here and brings some changes

Posted on: September 2nd, 2019 by

We are happy to announce the coming release of our mobile friendly skin for Kolab Now. From 14th September 2019 on, your webmail will look a bit different. With the new skin, you will finally be able to use Kolab Now webmail with the browser on your phone. Check out our previous post for more information.

The default mail deletion behavior changes

We decided that the switch to the new skin would be a good opportunity also make another much requested change. We change the default way of deleting emails in the webclient.
Going forward, when you click on Delete, mails will be moved to your Trash folder, and you can then decide when to ’empty the trash’. Previously, deleted mails where only marked for deletion and hidden immediately without an obvious way to undo, and the hidden mails stuck around, clogging up your storage quota if they were not expunged. This led to a couple of support cases over the years. After some user testing we decided to go with what people are used to from other email clients and providers.

Our website gets a long needed update

Our website has been out-dated for quite some time so we decided to give it a major overhaul. For now, it is reduced to the bare necessities and we will add more content when needed. It should now be easier to find essential information and get access to support – among other things.


Feedback is always appreciated

We hope you like the changes we have been working on. Give us feedback by writing to

Your Kolab Now team

Security Incident: Involuntary Information Disclosure

Posted on: August 22nd, 2019 by

Earlier today, we have received a report where the web client may inadvertently disclose the so-called common name of accounts within the same domain name space.

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Service Window: Independence Day, July 4th

Posted on: June 28th, 2019 by

In what may come as a shock move to some, but is abundantly clear to need to have happened to many much more well informed, Kolab Systems AG, and therefore Kolab Now, is changing the IP space that it uses primarily.

A service window is needed to implement this progression, and this service window is, for now, scheduled early July 4th, 2019, from 05:30 to 07:00 UTC.

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