Author Archive for Mads Petersen

Incident report: Some mails to Microsoft online services was getting blocked..

Posted on: February 13th, 2025 by

This afternoon earlier today one of the Kolab Now MX servers was listed on the Microsoft block list. This means that some users might have seen, that mails sent to recipients at ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, and other Microsoft online services was bounced back with the message that looks something like this:

This is the mail system at host 
I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not 
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. 
For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster. 
If you do so, please include this problem report. You can 
delete your own text from the attached returned message. 
The mail system <>: host[x.x.x.x] said: 550 5.7.1 
Unfortunately, messages from [y.y.y.y] weren't sent. Please contact 
your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block 
list (S3150). You can also refer your provider to [Name=Protocol 
Filter Agent][AGT=PFA][MxId=<some long number>] 
[ 2025-02-13T<timestamp>Z 
<another long number>] (in reply to MAIL FROM command)

Although the listing was fast discovered, Microsoft was contacted and the listing is reversed as soon as it is possible, it took a while. At this time emails should be delivered to the Microsoft online services.

A few users has misinterpreted the symptoms with error messages from missing the DKIM changes made on Monday (please read this blog post from December 2024 and the follow ups). If you are a group manager, then please make sure that you have the new DKIM related CNAMES added to your DNS zone.

If you have any questions or concerns in this context, then please contact support.

Service Window: Change to DKIM-Signatures – domain alignment

Posted on: February 5th, 2025 by

On December 20’th 2024 we announced a change to the DKIM configuration on Kolab Now. The announcement described actions needed for users with private domains. We recommended that group managers (the owners of private domains) set the following CNAMEs (both of them) in the DNS of their private domain:

dkim1._domainkey CNAME
dkim2._domainkey CNAME

We also said in the announcement, that we would provide the actual update top the system in the end of January. Unfortunately the snow in the Swiss alps was so wonderful in the end of January, that our techies got a bit delayed.

However, it has now come so far that we announce a service window on:

Monday February 10’th, 2025 @ 08:00 UTC.  

The Service window will last for an hour, within which users might see a small bump in the performance.

If you are the owner of a private domain and you have not yet added the CNAME records to your domaiin, then your outgoing emails might be refused by the recipient servers after the change.

We will keep you up to date with the progress of the work via updates to this post.


– 2025-02-10 @ 07:59 UTC: The service window is now open and the work is in progress. As written, you should not see any big impact.

– 2025-02-10 @ 08:45 UTC: The change has been implemented, and the service window is done. The new domain alignment is tested and seems to be working as expected. If you have any problems with your private domain, then please contact support.

Service Window: Update of Roundcube to v 1.6

Posted on: January 20th, 2025 by

The Kolab Now development team has been working on updating Roundcube to version 1.6 on the platform for a while, and we are finally ready to push it. Therefore we hereby announce a service window for:

Wednesday 2025-01-22 @ 08:00 UTC (09:00 CEST)

The service window will last for an hour. Users can keep working, but there may be brief webmail interruptions during the period.

Users using the old ‘Larry’ skin might experience some short-comings and problems with that skin. Users with such issues can switch to use one of the two Kolab Now skins (Settings -> Preferences -> User interface -> Interface skin).

If you are one such user and you really want to make use of the old ‘Larry’ skin, then please contact support.

In fact, Please contact support with any questions or concerns in this context.

Action required for Group managers!: Change to DKIM-Signatures – domain alignment

Posted on: December 20th, 2024 by

Lately we have seen a few emails not being delivered to third parties and bounced emails with messages about failing DKIM signatures.

DKIM is a mechanism that allows a receiving party of emails to determine whether an email has indeed been sent by the party that is claimed to be the sender, thus protecting against forged sender email addresses. Kolab Now implemented DKIM signatures a long time ago, but so far we have always used the domain as the sender domain, when sending an email from a custom domain. An example signature header would look like this (please note the ‘d= tag’):

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h=
:received:received; s=dkim20240523; t=1734354313; x=1736168714;
bh=mBUfOmuiUe6nDmAiAsHAHqpD0F+Gd9nJUF5Z5spFd8I=; b=bVuQog18XlAx

This used to be fine paired with our DMARC policy recommendation, but recently some parties in the email ecosystem have become more stringent, often ignoring the DMARC policy, and rejecting email that is not domain aligned.
Going forward, we are planning to adjust our DKIM-Signature so that it will use your sender domain for alignment. This means, that for a user ‘’ the signature would look something like this:

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h=
:received:received; s=dkim20240523; t=1734354313; x=1736168714;
bh=mBUfOmuiUe6nDmAiAsHAHqpD0F+Gd9nJUF5Z5spFd8I=; b=bVuQog18XlAx

and so ensuring that all outgoing emails from this sender are domain aligned. However, this will require that the DKIM key is available on your domain in DNS. We recommend that group managers (the owners of private
domains) set the following CNAMEs (both of them) in the DNS of their private domain:

dkim1._domainkey CNAME
dkim2._domainkey CNAME

This will delegate the actual DKIM public key to be managed by the domain, who in turn will align the key with the sending domain as mentioned above.

We will enable domain-aligned signatures in the end of January 2025, at which point DKIM validation will fail if these above (CNAME) records are not set.

Please keep an eye on this blog for news and updates. We hope this will improve email deliverability.


PS: Thank you to the users who reported the issue, and delivered content for our investigations. You know who you are.

Incident report: Spam filtering overflow filling up disk..

Posted on: December 19th, 2024 by

On Wednesday  2024-12-18 early evening (~19:00 UTC) a spammer attempted to use a Kolab Now account for sending out large amounts of spam. The Kolab Now exit spam filter was sorting out the spam and redirecting it, as it was supposed to do, and none of the spam was sent out. The spammer was however stubborn and kept up the sending, which subsequently was filling up a disk and hence blocking traffic. Due to ongoing maintenance on the monitoring, the full disk was unfortunately not discovered until Thursday morning, when the problem was immediately corrected, and queued mails were again flowing in both directions.

The problem caused a group of users (about 30%) to be unable to receive mail, and sent mail was queued until the space was again freed up and spooling was possible. No mail should have been lost during the incident.

The missing monitoring has been put back into action, and the Kolab Now Engineering team is evaluating changes that will prevent the situation from repeating.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this incident may have caused.

Incident: No internal email delivery..

Posted on: November 25th, 2024 by

During the investigation of another issue on the Kolab Now front-end servers, email delivery was broken on one (of many) frontend server. This caused delivered emails to be queued on an internal MX server for a group of users. When the issue was discovered, it was quickly resolved, and emails were again distributed to the user inboxes.

The queuing of emails started at  2024-11-22@21:56 UTC and lasted until 2024-11-23@15:02. Emails were delayed – not dropped. No emails were lost. All emails have been delivered at this time.

Monitoring has been put in place detecting this and similar delivery issues going forward.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.




Posted on: October 29th, 2024 by

A database issue has just presented itself, and our operations team is investigating to find the cause and fix it.

Users who try to make use of the webclient will get the message:

Unable to connect to the database!
Please contact your server-administrator.

Operations have a good lead on the issue, and we expect everything to be back online shortly.

You can follow the situation here on this blog.

2024-10-29 @ 10:22 UTC: The root cause of the issue has been identified to be a problem with a synch routine in the database cluster. The Operations team is working to get synchronization back in order. Meanwhile the login and use of the webclient is back. Users can login and use the facilities.

Please keep an eye on this blog, as there might be slipstream performance issues. The synchronization use a lot of resources and will most probably slow down the systems while running. 




Incident: The dashboard is down..

Posted on: October 25th, 2024 by

This morning many users has reported that they can not login to the dashboard of Kolab Now.

We have seen the issue, and the operations team is working to resolve the problem.

Meanwhile you can reach your webclient directly through: and IMAP and ActiveSync clients should be working as well.

We will update this post as soon as we know more about the issue and what to expect.

2024-10-25 @ 06:34 UTC: The direct cause of the problem was identified and mitigated. One database growing over it’s expected size. More investigation needed to identify the root cause, but all services should now be available for all users.

Service Window: Datacenter maintenance

Posted on: August 22nd, 2024 by

The internet provider for Kolab Now, NTS, planned changes to some configurations of the access routing in the Bern datacenters. Therefore we hereby declare a service window on this coming:

                        Tuesday, 2024-08-27 @ 18:00 UTC until 22:00 UTC

Users will experience a 5 minute outage at some point during this window. Unfortunately we are unable to narrow down a more close time slot for the 5 minute outage. We will however update this note with any update that we get from the provider.

Should you have any questions or concerns in this context, then please contact Support.



2024-08-27 @ 20:34 UTC – Update: Network access has been interrupted since 19:30 UTC and we are in contact with NTS to re-establish access as soon as possible. 


2024-08-27 @ 20:48 UTC – Update: Network connection was re-established and Kolab Now is back up and running. Mails arriving during the downtime was delayed – not deleted. No mails was lost.

An update with more details will be posted here as soon as we know the details. We regret any inconvenience that this extra downtime has caused.

Incident report: Spool overflow filling up disk..

Posted on: July 2nd, 2024 by

On Monday 2024-07-01 early evening (CEST) a spammer attempted to use a Kolab Now account for sending out large amounts of spam. The Kolab Now exit spam filter was sorting out the spam and redirecting it, as it was supposed to do, and none of the spam was sent out. The spammer was however stubborn and kept up the sending, which subsequently was filling up a disk and hence blocking traffic. Due to ongoing maintenance on the monitoring, the full disk was unfortunately not discovered until Tuesday morning, when the problem was immediately corrected, and queued mails were again flowing in both directions.

The problem caused a group of users (about 30%) to be unable to receive mail, and sent mail was queued until the space was again freed up and spooling was possible. No mail should have been lost during the incident.

The missing monitoring has been put back into action, and the Kolab Now Engineering team is evaluating changes that will prevent the situation from repeating.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this incident may have caused.