Posts Tagged ‘Monitoring’

Incident: No internal email delivery..

Posted on: November 25th, 2024 by

During the investigation of another issue on the Kolab Now front-end servers, email delivery was broken on one (of many) frontend server. This caused delivered emails to be queued on an internal MX server for a group of users. When the issue was discovered, it was quickly resolved, and emails were again distributed to the user inboxes.

The queuing of emails started at  2024-11-22@21:56 UTC and lasted until 2024-11-23@15:02. Emails were delayed – not dropped. No emails were lost. All emails have been delivered at this time.

Monitoring has been put in place detecting this and similar delivery issues going forward.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.



Incident Report: Thursday, 20:25 – Friday 01:15 UTC

Posted on: September 21st, 2018 by

Last night, a failure in the storage layer caused most of our services to be unavailable. In the week before, we replaced a failed hard drive. In the week before that, a so-called Virtual Fabric Adapter failed, causing a hypervisor to shut itself off. Since the most recent incident was the more serious downtime, that’s what we’ll start our reporting on.

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Adding a Little Byte of Transparency

Posted on: March 28th, 2018 by

I’m considering adding a little bit of transparency to how, and perhaps how well, Kolab Now infrastructure is run, or is running.

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