Posts Tagged ‘Development’

Is your password ‘123456’?

Posted on: February 14th, 2022 by

If so, you share your password with thousand – perhaps 100s of thousands of others. Password complexity is being talked a lot about in the media these days. You have probably seen messages from your bank or your badminton club membership administrator about how your password should be complex to avoid password cracking.

Last Friday, 2022-02-11, Kolab Now released a number of enhancements, most of which are not directly visible to end users. However one change that could have impact for users is the option to implement password policies.

Take a look at the knowledge base article, to see how password policies can be leveraged by group owners to ensure all users have adequate passwords at all times.

This release also brings some interesting updates for the users in the Private beta program, who now have access to Shared folders, Distribution lists, and Resource management – more information to follow on that.

More interesting updates are on the way. Keep an eye on this blog for news and updates.



Announcing Service Window: Updates to Kolab..

Posted on: July 29th, 2021 by

This Saturday, 31st of July 2021 at 08:00 UTC, the Kolab Now operations team will perform an update of the Kolab dashboard software on the Kolab Now platform.

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Kolab Now Responsive Skin

Posted on: August 13th, 2018 by

We’ve received many requests to make the web client more useful on mobile devices, so we’ve put some of our development focus on a responsive skin for the Kolab Now web client, and in turn Kolab. The result already got great feedback from the early adopters, now the skin has been updated with fixes and additional functionality.

To test the new skin and functionality, please go to: and login with your Kolab Now user login.

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Journey to the Center of Kube: Sink

Posted on: October 5th, 2017 by

Kube is a client that allows you to work offline, so you can work no matter whether your train just entered a tunnel, you’re on board of a plane or you’re just too lazy to get up and ask for the free wifi password. One implication of this is that we have to deal with fair amounts of data.

Email tends to accumulate quickly, and it’s not uncommon to have mail folders that have somewhere between 40’000 and 200’000 emails in them, so we have to figure out a way to deal with that. At the core of Kube we therefore have Sink; the data-access and synchronization system.

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Improving Collaborative Editing

Posted on: September 24th, 2017 by

While many of our customers have used collaborative editing, there’s certainly one aspect that could be improved; we’re seeing a lot of pending invitations to editing sessions, that apparently do not reach the intended recipient.

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