Ho ho ho,
what a wild, crazy and yet beautiful year we shortly leave behind us!
Again we want to express our deep thankfulness to all the users of Kolab Now – you guys rock and help us everyday to improve, refine and grow.
In the last year we had ups and downs, learned from mistakes, developed new paths where necessary and we say: respect for everyone going through this together with us and trusting in our expertise. Your feedback and use of our services made it possible for us to push Kolab Now to yet another higher level of quality. We can now with great pride say that:
In a year like 2022, one realize how important it is to be able to stay in contact with people in your close circle as well as the ones who are on a greater distance. Some people move away and some work in remote places. No matter how personal or professional the contact is, it is important that it can be kept private and secure.
Here is the perfect holiday present from us for the one with whom you want to stay in contact in 2023:
New Kolab Now sign-ups (individual and group accounts) will receive 3 months free usage when signing up before the 01.01.2023 with the voucher code KOLABNOWROCKS2023
Here is how it works step by step:
- Go to https://kolabnow.com/signup and choose individual or group account
- Enter your name and set an external e-mail address
- Receive the registration code at the external e-mail address
- Set your Kolab Now identity and enter the voucher code KOLABNOWROCKS2023
- Wait till your Mailbox is being created and start the journey
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Kolab Now team!